Tidepool Lab, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California, April 16-17, 2018
The 16 fellows convened for the first time at Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, California. The Tidepool Lab, named for the numerous tidepools located along the Monterey Bay, is the first of five “labs” that comprise the overall Reimagine Lab experience. Asilomar was selected to provide a neutral place – the nearest fellow came from 75 miles away – for collaboration, far from the distractions of home. The first lab was designed to establish a community among the fellows, the majority of whom were strangers to everyone else in the room, and who brought unprecedented diversity into a single room focused on family and domestic violence prevention. Aside from the initial community-building, the key outcome of this first experience was the team defining its goals and values. This included: holistic strategies that incorporate collective accountability; rethinking harm-doer interventions; and assuming an intersectional, anti-oppression lens in the work that they do. In addition the group embodied human-centered design in establishing a creative space for wild ideas to be considered, thinking beyond barriers and limitations.