History Reimagined: Building confident and resilient youth to prevent domestic violence [BLOG]


Addison Rose Vincent, Founder and Lead Consultant, Break The Binary LLC; Interim Executive Director of the Nonbinary & Intersex Recognition Project (NIRP)

Ana Rosa Najera, Certified Facilitator, Lumos Transforms, Clinical Supervisor for Green Dot Public School, Bilingual & Multicultural Holistic Therapist/owner at Self Integration Guidance

Location: Los Angeles                  User Group: Youth

History Reimagined is a school-based youth-empowerment project developed by domestic violence and youth incarceration prevention advocates from across the state of California. By creating opportunities for youth to review, research, reclaim, and recite their family and community stories and history, youth will build confidence in how they navigate the world, as well as resilience to violence and traumatic events. History Reimagined hopes to break the cycle of domestic violence and youth incarceration by building bridges between changemakers of our past to the leaders of the future.

Website: historyreimagined.org



History Reimagined aims to break the cycle of domestic violence and the school-to-prison pipeline by building the confidence, resilience, trust, and agency of at-risk youth. By reclaiming their stories and creatively sharing family and community history, these youth can then begin to redesign their future. The following blog is a reflection from Andrea Jacobo, design intern at Gobee Group, on how History Reimagined prototyped their idea…

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